Hire a trip sitter last minute

Need a trip sitter? Are you going to use a strong dose of magic mushrooms, magic truffles, DMT, ayahuasca, MDMA , LSD or other hallucinogenic […]

Psilocybine en LSD tegen Alzheimer, Parkinson en ziekte van Huntington

Neurodegeneratieve aandoeningen en BDNF Alzheimer, Parkinson en ziekte van Huntington zijn neurodegeneratieve aandoeningen of anders gezegd zijn de bijbehorende klachten van deze ziekten de symptomen […]

Drugs als therapie

Medicinale drugs? On de volksmond wordt drugs vaak gebruikt om verslavende straatdrugs gebruikt. Er zijn echter vele verschillende stoffen die onder de noemer drugs valt. […]

Psychedelic truffle therapy Belgium

Psiloflora: Psychedelic truffle therapy Belgium Psychedelic therapy in Belgium Psychedelic therapy with magic truffles is currently not allowed by the law in Belgium and we […]

New psilocybin mushroom ceremonies

Psiloflora: New psilocybin mushroom ceremonies Psilocybin mushroom ceremony Here in the Netherlands we’re using the parts of the psilocybin mushrooms that grow in the ground. […]

Magic truffles therapy

Psiloflora: Magic truffles therapy What is magic truffle therapy ? A psychedelic therapy session with psilocybin truffles (scelerotia of magic mushrooms) is what we call […]

Magic mushroom session

Psiloflora: Magic mushroom session Is a magic mushroom session for you? Everyone is different and therefore everyone has his/her own reasons for choosing an individual […]